Unlocking the Secrets of Neapolitan-Style Pizza: Techniques for Authentic Outdoor Cooking

Pizza – a humble yet iconic dish that has won hearts and palates worldwide. And at the heart of pizza’s evolution lies the Neapolitan style, a slice of culinary history that embodies simplicity, tradition, and sheer deliciousness. If you’ve ever dreamt of recreating that classic Neapolitan pizza magic in your outdoor cooking space, this guide is your key to unlocking the secrets of authentic Neapolitan-style pizza. Let’s check out the history of this cherished dish, explore the techniques that make it stand out, and share our range of recipe ideas to perfect your outdoor pizza adventure.

The Legacy of Neapolitan-Style Pizza: A Glimpse into the Past

Bay of Napoli famous for Neapolitan-style pizza
Bay of Napoli famous for Neapolitan pizza

A Slice of History

Neapolitan-style pizza traces its origins back to Naples, Italy. Its story is one of humble beginnings, with this dish serving as a convenient and affordable meal for the working class. Traditionally, Neapolitan pizzas were simple creations, topped with basic ingredients like tomato, mozzarella, and a sprinkle of basil.

The Original Margherita

Legend has it that in 1889, to honour Queen Margherita of Savoy, pizzaiolo Raffaele Esposito created a pizza featuring the colours of the Italian flag – red tomatoes, white mozzarella, and green basil. This iconic pizza, known as the Margherita, not only paid homage to the queen but also became a symbol of Neapolitan culinary excellence.

Techniques for Authentic Neapolitan-Style Outdoor Cooking

1. The Right Dough:
Authentic Neapolitan pizza dough is a crucial foundation. It’s made from “00” flour, water, yeast, and salt. The dough should be soft, elastic, and slightly sticky. Allow it to undergo a slow fermentation process to develop a complex flavour profile.

2. Hand-Stretching Mastery:
Neapolitan-style pizza dough is hand-stretched to achieve a thin center with a puffy, slightly charred crust. Gently stretch the dough from the center outward, allowing gravity to assist in creating an even thickness.

3. Simplicity in Toppings:
True to its origins, Neapolitan-style pizza shines through simplicity. Use San Marzano tomatoes, fresh mozzarella (preferably fior di latte), and a drizzle of olive oil. Toppings should be limited to a few high-quality ingredients.

4. Wood-Fired Oven Magic:
Authentic Neapolitan pizza is baked in a wood-fired oven at extremely high temperatures, around 800-900°F (427-482°C). This intense heat creates a blistered crust, a hallmark of Neapolitan-style.

5. Quick Cooking Time:
The high temperature of the wood-fired oven ensures a quick cooking time – usually around 60-90 seconds. This results in a soft and chewy center with a charred and slightly crispy crust.

6. The 12-Inch Rule:
Traditional Neapolitan pizzas are small, about 12 inches in diameter. This size ensures that the pizza cooks evenly and quickly in the wood-fired oven.

Recipe Ideas to Elevate Your Neapolitan-Style Pizza Game

Margherita pizza recipe
Style and mix your Margherita up the way you like it, time and time again.

1. Classic Margherita:
Stay true to tradition with a classic Margherita pizza. Spread San Marzano tomato sauce over the dough, top with slices of fresh mozzarella, fresh basil leaves, and a drizzle of olive oil. Allow the wood-fired oven’s magic to create a masterpiece.

2. Quattro Stagioni:
Celebrate the four seasons with a Quattro Stagioni pizza. Divide the dough into quadrants and top each section with distinct ingredients – artichokes, olives, prosciutto, and mushrooms. Each quadrant represents a different season’s bounty.

3. Marinara:
Savour the simplicity of a Marinara pizza. Spread a robust garlic-infused tomato sauce over the dough, sprinkle with oregano, and drizzle with olive oil. A pinch of red pepper flakes adds a gentle kick.

4. Diavola:
Embrace a hint of heat with a Diavola pizza. Top your dough with tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella, spicy salami, and a sprinkle of red pepper flakes. The wood-fired oven’s heat enhances the salami’s spiciness.

5. Bianca with Prosciutto and Arugula:
Explore a Bianca-style pizza by skipping the tomato sauce. Instead, use fresh mozzarella, ricotta, and a drizzle of olive oil. Once baked, top with thin slices of prosciutto and a handful of peppery arugula.

6. Nutella Dessert Pizza:
For a sweet finale, create a Nutella dessert pizza. Spread Nutella over the dough and top with sliced bananas, strawberries, and a dusting of powdered sugar. A quick bake will warm the Nutella and create a gooey delight.

Honouring Tradition Through Outdoor Cooking

Neapolitan-style pizza isn’t just a dish; it’s a celebration of tradition, simplicity, and the magic of outdoor cooking. By mastering the techniques that define this culinary heritage – from hand-stretching dough to harnessing the power of a wood-fired oven – you’re not just making pizza; you’re honouring a legacy that spans generations.

So, as you step into your outdoor cooking space, armed with dough, toppings, and a heart full of culinary curiosity, remember that you’re not just making food; you’re crafting a piece of history. Embrace the secrets of Neapolitan-style pizza, let your wood-fired oven work its magic, and indulge in a slice of authenticity that transcends time and taste.

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